Yellowfoot Chanterelle


Yellowfoot Chanterelle


Craterellus tubaeformis (formerly Cantharellus tubaeformis) is an edible fungus, also known as Yellowfootwinter mushroom, or Funnel Chanterelle. It is mycorrhizal, forming symbiotic associations with plants, making it very challenging to cultivate. It is smaller than the golden chanterelle (Cantharellus cibarius) and has a dark brown cap with paler gills and a hollow yellow stem. C. tubaeformis tastes stronger but less fruity than the golden chanterelle.

Source: Wikipedia
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Yellowfoot Chanterelle are a winter version of the popular Golden Chanterelle. Yellowfoot Chanterelle have a stronger flavor than regular Chanterelle and have more of a funnel shape. Yellowfoot are perfect for any dish that calls for Chanterelle or any other wild mushroom. 

Due to its winter availability, smaller production and higher water content, we only offer Yellowfoot as fresh mushrooms during the winter season.

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Yellowfoot Chanterelle and Brussels Sprout Pizza


1 prepared whole wheat pizza dough

2 tablespoons olive oil (plus more for assembly)

1 shallot, sliced

2 cloves garlic, minced

1/2 pound brussels sprouts, halved then quartered

1/8 tsp pepper

1/8 tsp salt

1/4 pound yellowfoot chanterelle mushrooms

1/4 cup fresh ricotta cheese (use sheeps milk if you can. trust me.)

*balsamic paste for finishing. optional but recommended


1. Heat oven, with pizza stone, to 425 degrees. Heat olive oil, at medium-low, in a skillet. Add the shallot and cook for about 5 minutes, until soft. Add the garlic, salt, pepper, and brussels sprouts, and cook for about 6 minutes, stirring occasionally. When soft, remove from heat and transfer to a bowl to await assembly.

2. Return the pan to the burner and add the chanterelles. Over medium-low heat, dry cook them until they release their moisture and soften, about 4 minutes. Remove from heat and set aside for assembly as well.

3. To assemble, brush the pizza dough with olive oil. Distribute the brussels sprout mixture over top the dough, leaving a 1"-1 1/2" rim around the edges for the crust to form. Sprinkle the chanterelles throughout the surface of the dough and add on some dollops of ricotta. Of course, you can be as generous as you'd like to be (especially if it is sheeps' milk - go crazy since that stuff is wonderful).

4. Slide the dough onto the pizza stone in the oven and bake for about 12 minutes, or until the crust is done and the cheese is somewhat golden.

Yield: 1 servings.

Recipe courtesy of Eat Gracefully

Seasonal Availability